Holdback Rack Podcast

Problematic and Lethal Boa Morphs

Episode Summary

Problematic and Lethal Boa Morphs Recorded Wednesday 1/5/22 - Jana and Jessica discuss a little scrap of current events and all the boa morphs with problems. Spoiler alert: there’s a ton of boa morphs with problems!

Episode Notes

Hare Hollow Farm
Jessica Hare
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/Hare-Hollow-Farm-113861266980541
Morph Market - https://www.morphmarket.com/stores/hare_hollow_farm/
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/hare_hollow_farm/

ASM Royal Tails
Jana King

Facebook -https://facebook.com/RoyalReptails/

Morph Market -https://www.morphmarket.com/stores/asmroyaltails/
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/asmroyaltails/

Intro Music - EEKmusic on audio jungle

Nidovirus paper - Serpentoviruses: More than Respiratory Pathogens


Scoria -wobble in the heterozygote, lethal homozygote spider

Super motley - lethal by 2, hetero still missing some amount of muscle and has small head and blown out sides
Motley / Super Motley

Keltic - hetero is okay, super is has much the same problems as a super motley

Both Keltic and super keltic:


Smoke - assuming allelic keltic motley functionally like a super motley, basically a snake with a time limit


Super jungle - lethal to some initially others at 2-3 yo and the rest as older adults, any reproduction from these is a rumor from europe, there’s a handful over 5 but woo that’s a real victory to have a barely functioning 8 yo that cant breed, heterozygotes seem fine

Jungle -


Super Jungle -

Super hypo - blown tire sidewalls, there’s some sort of musculature issue, breeds just fine and normal lifespan as far as anyone can tell, AKA salmon, orangetail


Super Hypo


Super aztec - lethal to some, failure to the thrive in most due to neuro issues, some of them live for awhile, I’ve never heard of them breeding, 

Super Aztec

Marron - homozygotes sterile, and most of them don’t live into adulthood, heterozygote appears fine



Super Marron

Keywest/rlt/parsons - supers seem to die at an unusually high rate at birth, so they drown before birth, blown out sides like a super hypo imo



Kahl/sharp - bulging eyes full of fluid at birth, some eyes fail, some eye recover, linked to melanocyte not mediating eye formation so you cant breed away and antibiotics doesnt help keep the eye unless its getting secondarily infected


Fires - thin skin, small scales sometimes small eyes, i havent played with a homo fire but they breed… clearly



Onyx/leopard - this could be a boa sigma problem but they cant digest well as babies, get big bellies and die if over fed, it seems to me like its more common in the homozygote
Leopard leopards:

Mosaic leopard -


Zero - some percent have narrow heads, no idea about long term issues with the narrow headed ones, zeros homozygotes do breed
Normal zero - 


Icky zero - 


Labyrinth - heterozygote seems fine, rumors that some of the heterozygotes just never want to breed, no rumors about the homozygote yet. They’re all reportedly alive and doing okay.

Sangria/blood - het and homos seem okay

Raptor - just fine

All T+ lines - seem fine

Kraken - not monogenic

Sterling - if zeros can have narrow heads can these as well?

Anerys - all of them beautiful and perfect in every way

Imgs - seem good, although how many people have a known homozygote

Jablonski ss - just fine